Turn Your Versity Smartphones into a Walkie Talkie with the Microsoft Teams App!

When deskless workers are on the go in busy environments, every second counts. Now, through integration with the Microsoft Teams app, whether you’re using our Versity 95 or Versity 92 enterprise-grade smartphones, you can instantly and easily communicate with teammates. Versity’s programmable buttons integrate with the MS Teams walkie-talkie app, connecting you with others on your selected channel with just the push of a button, and without requiring you to unlock your phone. Workers can also activate the MS Teams walkie-talkie from the softkey button in the app. This is just another way Spectralink ensures your teams in motion stay connected, now easier and faster than before.
Check out this video below to see the Microsoft Teams Walkie-Talkie app on Versity 95 in action.
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