Top 10 Reasons Nurses Need A Spectralink Versity Smartphone

Versity helps improve the nurse experience on the floor and reduces occupational burnout
We’ve all heard the alarming statistics on nursing turnover and staffing shortages. According to Becker’s Hospital Review, about one in five nurses have left medicine since the pandemic began. While at the height of the pandemic, our nurses and frontline healthcare workers were celebrated as heroes, nearly two years in, they are feeling left behind. In order to help attract new nurses and retain ones already on staff, hospitals must focus on improving the nursing experience on the floor. Bettering the lives of these invaluable professionals is not only the right thing to do; it is also critical in ensuring nurse job satisfaction as well as patient satisfaction and safety.
One of the ways to help out our nurses is to give them the tools they need to do the job. While cutting-edge treatments and research are revolutionizing our healthcare industry, nurses are often left behind when it comes to technology. These valuable clinicians need much more than a stethoscope or a blood pressure cuff to care for patients. They need to be able to scan medicine, chart at the point of care, receive and triage patient/bed alarms and alerts, request help in the event of an emergency, and so much more, all while providing patients with a safe environment where their needs are met. And, they also need to communicate with teammates. According to Debra Anscombe Wood, RN and writer at, communicating with nurses through technology– particularly those who identify as millennials – is one of the top 5 ways to recruit and retain nurses.
Arming your nurses with an all-in-one clinical smartphone like Spectralink’s Versity ensures they have all the tools they need during their shifts for better patient care. Versity helps bridge the skills and experience gap by equipping all shift workers with a tool that helps level the playing field. And, it streamlines traditional tools like barcode scanners, charting stations, walkie-talkies, overhead paging, electronic health records, time management tools, and so much more in one lightweight device they can always have in hand.
Why Versity instead of a consumer smartphone or other competitive enterprise device?
Here’s a great list to help understand why equipping nurses with Versity over any other smartphone technology is the right move.
1. Versity looks and feels like the smartphone that is already in their pocket, but it’s built to be more lightweight, durable, and secure for the rigors of healthcare.
2. Versity enables communication however they want it with leading quality voice and secure text messaging to maintain HIPAA compliance. And, it includes PTT, broadcasting functionality, and other traditional modes of communication previously addressed by walkie-talkies and overhead paging, but in a less obtrusive way.
3. Versity enables charting right at the point of care through barcode scanning and EHR integration to improve quality documentation and workflow efficiency and decrease time spent transporting a cart or going to a nursing station.
4. Versity helps to minimize the burden of documentation by reducing manual data point collection through integration with devices that report directly into the EHR, like cardiac monitors, vital signs, IV smart pumps, and bed sensors.
5. Versity enables true collaboration between nurses and physicians by ensuring both are accessing the same information in the EHR.
6. Receive on-screen alarms and alerts on a Versity through integration with leading healthcare applications to help manage, triage, and escalate alarms to reduce alarm fatigue and decrease the mental load.
7. Ensure nurse safety with Versity’s SAFE features such as one-button panic alarms, running sensors, and motion detection.
8. Versity is an all-in-one device that optimizes point-of-care workflows, freeing up time for nurses to address the little things that have the most impact on patients – warm blankets, hair care, non-clinical conversations, and interactions that don’t feel rushed.
9. Lightweight and flushproof, Versity won’t weigh down your scrubs, and if it falls into water, it will still work. Plus, it can stand up to regular disinfecting/sanitization of hospital-grade cleaners.
10. Versity is supported by AMIE® analytics dashboard, so nurses never have to worry about what’s going on with their devices, allowing them to focus on patient care workflows
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