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AMIE® Advanced for Wi-Fi

A cloud-based solution management platform for IT and Telecommunication Administrators to monitor device and battery health, troubleshoot call performance to analyze device versus network performance, locate missing devices, balance device utilization, and receive proactive alerts from one centralized dashboard.

As an IT or Telecom Administrator, you need a tool to help you avoid the hassle and headache of troubleshooting fleet issues and that empowers you to keep your enterprise communication solution up and running. What is the most efficient way to avoid interruption, proactively troubleshoot fleet issues, and get the most out of your solution and investment? Look no further than AMIE Advanced for Wi-Fi.

Benefits of AMIE Advanced

Call performance monitoring and analytics saves time and money with visibility into how devices are performing on the network

Decrease support time spent assessing device versus network issues with metrics filtered by device, AP, and network

Proactive monitoring and alerting mitigates risks in service disruptions and avoids communication down-time

What is AMIE Advanced for Wi-Fi?  

AMIE Advanced for Wi-Fi supports mission-critical mobility for optimal team performance, workflow efficiencies, and provides visibility into the most common concerns in mobility management of shared and non-shared devices that other tools don’t provide so issues can be quickly identified and resolved. 

This revolutionary dashboard provides complete visibility into device and network performance across your entire enterprise so data can be turned into actionable insights. In addition, AMIE Advanced provides tools to help you get the most value out of your Spectralink Versity Series devices. AMIE Advanced is a license upgrade from AMIE Essentials.

AMIE Advanced ensures your employees have reliable communication without dropped calls, poor voice quality, or other issues interfering with their ability to do their job.

How mobile device management helps manage your Wi-Fi devices

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How AMIE Solves IT Administrators’ Biggest Concerns:   

  • Achieve reliable device and call performance, minimizing downtime
  • Decrease support time spent assessing device versus network issues with metrics filtered by device, AP, and network
  • Solve problems proactively before they impact the business and day-to-day user experience
  • Avoid disruption from missing or lost devices, battery performance, and other complications with shared devices
  • Increase operational efficiency by optimizing device utilization across locations and departments
  • Easily identify application performance issues

Wi-Fi Phones

AMIE Advanced for Wi-Fi is available for our Versity Smartphones